5 Principles of Design
Welcome to luxury 101, a masterclass examining the science of design. We love a pretty space, but event design involves quite the technical approach. We’ve narrowed down 5 fundamental aspects of design. These principles are what create a successful, finished, (opulent) space.
1. Venue:
Your venue is the canvas. Before starting, define the experience you want to create and pinpoint the highs and lows of your space.
Answer these core questions before committing to your design game plan:
Does the room fit your theme?
Does the space make sense? Or does it need to be broken up?
Do certain corners need to be hidden with drapery?
Is there a natural focal point?
How much natural light will be present?
2. Lines & Forms:
These reference how big and balanced a space is perceived to be. You can draw the eye towards or away from places by adding furniture and strategic “lines.”
Need some guidance? Try incorporating these strategies:
Horizontal Lines: If you want to stretch out your space, add ground and eye level features (like tables, rugs, or wrapped flooring).
Vertical Lines: If you need your space to look bigger and taller, add features that draw your eye up (like drapery, arches, or ceiling installations).
Dynamic Forms: Play with scale and shape of your structures (like mixing estate and round tables)
3. Color & Light:
Now it's time to add vibrancy. Color and light ensure you appropriately execute your theme and desired ambiance. Remember, work with your space. Use colors that fit and always emphasize your favorite features with professional lighting.
4. Texture:
Engage all the senses! There are two overarching types of texture designers use – actual and visual. Actual is texture you can physically feel, like the scratch of a sequin or the slip of silk. Visual is implied texture through patterns and shading, like an ornate charger or a shiny centerpiece.
5. Flowers:
Flowers create an inviting mood and provide dynamic, 3-D beauty. You've made all this effort directing the eye – now let’s make it worthwhile.
Need help strategizing your event space?